Every 2,160 years there is a shift of astrological ages, which happens because of the precession of equinoxes.
There are twelve ages related to twelve Zodiac signs and each sign age lasts for around 2,160 years. It takes approximately 26,000 years for this whole precession period to complete and go through all twelve signs, after which the cycle repeats. The cycles are real and the shift is happening. We are in the midst of transition from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. We are witnessing the greatest changes on Earth right now. Get ready.
The Age of Aquarius book opens portals to new perceptions, to the unknown and unseen, to the hidden and forgotten, to secrets and truth, to history and future and to our essential selves. This book reminds us of who we are, where we come from and what it means to be a true human being. Age of Aquarius is a long term process that changes our frequency and faces us with the worst and best within ourselves. This is a shift of consciousness, a shift of the heart, a shift of personality, and a transformation of the world as we know it. This is not a war between the light and the dark, this is higher and deeper realisation, integration and cohesion of polarity without denying its laws. This is the great self-initiation which demands great self-healing.
E-Book & Audiobook Paperback

The Age of Aquarius book is the book that is here to awaken and upgrade your Spiritual DNA.
The Age of Aquarius is an extremely powerful book created by Moon Omens that is going to bring you back to the essence of your spiritual journey here on Earth and to the core of who you truly are. It is packed with ancient wisdom, knowledge and history.
The abundance of wisdom shared in the first part of the book is going remind you of the power that you are, it is going to elevate you to the higher consciousness and raise your vibrational frequency. The second part ‘Deep Spiritual Guidance for The Age of Aquarius’ is going to help you heal on a deep spiritual level by deep and profound wisdom, questions and practical real life tips.

What is inside of The Age of Aquarius book? And why it is so powerful..
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1
The Shift of Ages
Chapter 2
Different Ages Through the Spiral of Time
Chapter 3
Transition From Pisces into Aquarius: Shift in Consciousness and Spiritual Rebirth
Chapter 4
The Appearance of the Age of Aquarius: The First Rays of Aquarian Age
Chapter 5
The Resurrection of Ancient Wisdom and How It Affects Us
Chapter 6
Transhumanism Versus Humanism: The Most Advanced Technology Is Our Body
Chapter 7
The Sacred Anatomy of Human Body: Meaning Behind the Symbolism
Chapter 8
Religion, Mythology and Mysticism: Meanings Behind the Symbols and Parabolas
- The Sphinx, the Forgotten Wisdom of Four Elements, Cosmology and Nature
- Daily Walk of the Sun
- Annual Walk
- The Swastika, the Sphinx, Four Fixed Signs Nature and Human
- Three Stages of Scorpio, Three Stages of Our Own Evolution
- Quotes From the Ezekiel
- Sunshine Walk
- Snakes Are Everywhere
- Tree of Knowledge

Chapter 9
Mythology, Legends, Roots and Evolutionary Cycles
- The Story of Ouranos (Uranus), Gaia and Their Descendents
- The Myth of Aquarius
- Aquarius and the Jesus
Chapter 10
The Archetype of Aquarius, What is and What isn’t the Age of Aquarius, the Process of Individuation
Chapter 11
Deep Spiritual Guidance for the Age of Aquarius
- Question of free will
- Questions of self-forgiveness and self-individuality from the age of information into the age of knowledge
- Questions of death, archetypes, complexes, traumas and catharsis
- Questions of transhumanism and humanism in the age of aquarius
- Questions of relationships, wounds, projections, union and separation
- Questions of religion, spirituality, cults, culture and power
- Questions of spirituality, enlightenment and inner shadow work
- Significant quotes from the master gurdjieff

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