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Our Physical Products

Physical Moon Omens Products Collection

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Welcome to the

Moon Omens Physical Products

For the first three years of our existence since 2019 Summer we only had digital products available.

We kept receiving your messages and requests that we should create something physical, something you can touch and hold in your hands that comes from one of your favorite projects that you supported all along the way!

We are happy to introduce you to our current selection of physical products. All of this is possible only because of you!
Below you will find our physical products and we hope you will find something for you.

If you have suggestions for what you would like to see more from Moon Omens related to physical products please send us an email or simply hit us up on WhatsApp. Thank you!

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Our Products

Age of Aquarius

Age of Aquarius

"Every 2,160 years there is a shift of astrological ages, which happens because of the precession of equinoxes. There are twelve ages related to twelve Zodiac signs and each sign age lasts for around 2,160 years. It takes approximately 26,000 years for this whole precession period to complete and go through all twelve signs, after which the cycle repeats. The cycles are real and the shift is happening. We are in the midst of transition from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. We are witnessing the greatest changes on Earth right now. Get ready."
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Zodiac, Crystals, and Moon Rituals

Zodiac, Crystals, and Moon Rituals

Crystals and Astrology have been tightly connected since ancient times and have always been used for healing, gaining wisdom, receiving insights, self-discovery, spirituality and self-mastery. People have used crystals for centuries and we're now rediscovering this knowledge that our ancestors knew and practiced. Since a long time ago, since the mythical lost city of Atlantis and even further, through all civilizations, in legendary cities of Mu, Hyperborea and Asgard, crystals and astrology were used in spiritual rituals and for physical healing, our ancestors were communicating with nature and with everything around them and within them.

Crystals are gifts of our Divine Mother Nature, they are specific keys of the Universe. They are magical keepers of energy, they possess alive energy within themselves which have a beneficial influence on human organisms. Their gracious and generous energy and influence has been known and appreciated since forever. Magic of crystals belongs to natural, organic and pure magic. It belongs to the magic of elements and the language of mysteries and it is not something that is beyond our reach. It is a gift to us humans from our Mother Nature which embraces matter and spirit altogether.
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The Moon & The Sacred Feminine

The Moon & The Sacred Feminine

"This book reveals forgotten wisdom about laws of the Universe and power of feminine principle within all of us regardless of our gender. This book shocks us, awakens us, triggers us and provokes us in a profound way, in a way that changes our perception of cycles and nature, changes our perception of us as human beings, changes our perception of being a man and a woman. This text discloses ancient knowledge about the power and influence of the Moon, information that changes our DNA as we read it, that awakens dormant codes within us that were under the spell for many centuries.

The Moon And Yhe Sacred Feminine book invites us into the deepest mysteries of life, mysticism and rituals of Goddesses. It reminds us of the power of blood within us, that most sacred liquid that makes us alive. It reminds us of the power of the Great Mother, the power of the triple Goddess who lives within us and in all that exists around us. This book is about you and me, us and them, man and woman, Mother Nature and us as her children."
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2023 Moon Omens Calendar

2023 Moon Omens Calendar

We’re proud to announce our first Moon Omens Calendar for 2023. Be one of the first to get release date details by signing up to our newsletter.
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